Thursday, May 23, 2013

Books On the Brain

Salaams and Hello,
   I'm back and in full force.I was always an avid reader, but it seems that lately I've taken reading to new heights.Maybe it's because I've been introduced to YA. Who would have thought that fairy-tale retellings, love triangles, witches,warlocks,and magic would grab me by the boo-boo like it has.I didn't see it coming.Now I am all about the series, the trilogy,and companion book.IT'S GREAT!
   I have to say, I was getting tired of TV-and the computer as well. Books just seemed like a logical choice.So I vowed to unplug myself and return to my nerdy ways.
   Now Im not saying that book readers are nerds.Im just a nerd who happens to be infatuated with books.Its no ordinary infatuation,but a deep rooted adoration which causes me to return daily to bookstores,to beat myself up when I forgo buying a book, and to buy entire series based on the synopsis of the first book. I love my books.I drool over book covers, I wrap them before I read them, I put them on display.Nothing makes me feel like my bookcase does.
   I know it sounds weird but my books bring me great satisfaction. My library will probably be one of the best things I give to my children.My mother gave me my love of books.If it hadn't been for her and her Romance novels I wouldn't have found out that Romance was not for me.After my first attempt at reading one of her books in secret I went off I search of books that I did like.Soon I was devouring Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary, and soon afterwards Shakespeare and V.C Andrews. Then in my Middle to High school years I found historical non-fiction, and fiction.Even now I can not get enough of royalty.
   And now it's YA. Im 35 so YA can get frustrating.I have to remind myself sometimes that the characters are under 20 so the things that I find ridiculous is just me showing my age.But I like YA and its has gained it's own bookshelf in my library. My hope is that my kids will read these books that I have so lovingly chosen.That is part of the reason that I picked them.But while they wait for my children there is no reason why I can't enjoy them right?

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I agree! haha! I'm still exploring YA there's lots of good series out there XD
