Salaam Alaikum and Hello,
There is something odd about this book.Something odd in me.I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what it was.The story was interesting.I did not find it to be boring.Thank goodness there were no exhausting love triangles.But still there was this pull in the back of my head that just wouldn't let me fully enjoy the book.
After much thought I've finally figured it out.There are only 3 humans in the book. The first book, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, was the same.Sure there are ex-boyfriend and bystanders present, but the main characters are not human.And those in the friend role accept these non-human beings with no problem. There's a world filled with angles and beasts killing each other, and there like,"COOL. Can I go?" "Let's all sit down to couscous and eggs and sing and play the drums and violin."Well, no one actually said that, but that is the vibe I get.If I were in that situation I would have been terrified. If I were Karou, I certainly would have made my own Adonis. or two,,,or three.Just kidding.
But back to the story, and my review.It was interesting. Laini Taylor did a good job bringing the world of Chimera and Seraphin to life, and making the characters real.All of the traits and character that makes us human were found in her creatures.And that is why I kept reading.I knew it was just a story.But for all the beastliness and angelic- ness, the characters still suffered the same as us humans.They had the same faults in character, the same dreams, and the same determined spirit when faced will evil. And I can get down with a story like that.I just wish Thiago was more human and less douchbag.
So that's my review.Great story.I will be picking up the next book.Ive got my fingers crossed for Akiva and Karou. Although it feels as though there will be a love triangle in the next book. But the way Karou's love life was when the second book ended I feel that it's kind of unavoidable.
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